This is the kind of stuff I'm glad I don't normal allow to be added to my posts...
I posted something about Sabbath, and I don't know if this guy is joking or not, but he replied,

"I've heard many legalistic arguments re: "the Sabbath" ... personally I believe that's Old Testament stuff.
I believe in the New Covenant; that once we have entered Christs' rest every day is the Sabbath, When we get to Heaven every day will be "Christmas" - Amen."

If he's sincere, where do I start with such a person? Rhetorical question. I'm just venting something that might amuse you.
* "Old Testament stuff", what? like loving God and loving one's neighbour, and 'thou shalt not murder'?
* "every day is the Sabbath"... where's that bit written?!
* "When we get to Heaven"... Where's that getting to Heaven bit in the Bible?
* "Every day will be Christmas"... Where is Christmas in the Bible, and what the sigma would every day being Christmas even mean? Are we stuck with baby Jesus popping out of Mary's womb every day, or is there something deep and spiritual I'm missing here?!
* "- Amen"... No, I don't think anything you said here is firm at all! Haleelah, not so!