The wicked are full of deceit. One person who claimed to know hebrew taught my daughter the men can have sex with men, but not little boys, according to Torah.

I sought out a true translation from because my hebrew is almost non existant. I tried. I couldnt grasp it very well.

This is the email I received in reply:

Hi Jaime, thank you for writing.

The translation on our site is:
You shall not lie down with a male, as with a woman: this is an abomination.

The word male, zachar, refers to all males. I have not seen a commentator interpret the verse as referring only to young boys.

In the Hebrew original, "this is" is feminine, since all nouns in Hebrew are either masculine or feminine, and "abomination" grammatically is feminine. This is not referring to the people though.

Let me know if I can be of any further help.

All the best,

--Rochel Chein for

My daughter has rejected this truth in favor of the lies she's been fed. I've lost all my children now.