In kind of a continuation of CvB #071, when people try to say we can't keep the Law, or just showing the disposition to evil/sin in mankind, these three men along with others are often pointed out. I've even seen memes go around social media proclaiming the men in the light of the left-hand side of this comic (Noah a drunk, Abraham a liar, David a murderer) and then stating: God can use you, too.

However, this is not the light the Bible paints these men in. Read those verses I have listed on the right. Would God say such things about someone who "is just a sinner"? Or who is as bad as Christians sometimes portray these men to be?

I am not saying they were perfect and never did wrong. I don't believe that is what the Bible states either. We know the wrong things they did.

HOWEVER, as I state all over my comics, it is all about their heart. What was their heart like? We know in the case of David, realizing what he had done broke his heart to the point of he knew he would be punished and accepted it! (2 Samuel 12)

There is a dcTalk song I like called "What if I stumble". We all may stumble sometimes. What we do after we stumble is what defines us, not the stumbling. If we are believers in Christ, we are not "sinners saved by Grace". We are set-apart, striving to live righteously.

Will we stumble and sin? Maybe, but that doesn't change who we are. We are no longer sinners. (Romans 6:1-7) Sinners are who we were, not who we are. Just like these men in the comic. The Bible does not define them by their sin, but by their walk.

#bible #biblestudy #webcomic #cartoon #christian #church #messianic #hebrewroots #wwjd

The Straight + Narrow - Church vs. Bible #073 - Persons of character

The Straight + Narrow - Church vs. Bible #073 - Persons of character

Church vs. Bible #073 - Persons of character