Oh how intertwined are the bias and lies of the times. And how entangled in with our own beliefs and practices.

Bias is like ivy.

It’s not native to our region. It was imported. It’s invasive. It chokes out and kills the life we are actually trying to cultivate. And some people find it harmless, while others are as allergic to it as poison ivy. And every time we try to kill ivy or rip it out, it just grows unseen underground to emerge in another place and carry on its destructive work.

All in all, lies in general are like weeds and the removing of them from the garden of our soul works in much the same way. It’s a never ending process, and the only real cure is continuously getting on hands and knees and ripping out the weeds by the roots.

It requires humility and debasement on our part. It may require special tools and much time on our knees, but with enough time we can extract the madness from our lives.

Whether we are dealing with weeds or ivy, what is required of us, if we don’t want to be overrun, is hard work, dedication, and a willingness to do the same thing over and over and over again.

Removing bias and lies, like removing weeds and ivy, is slow and tediously boring work. But with time and attention and diligence, it can be done. And what a beautiful garden will come out of it.

Question Everything
