Word Whiskey How are we allowing ourselves to be outdone by booze?

If Irish Whiskey can be carried all over the world, without embellishment, alteration, or dilution, the Word of YHWH can aswell...Or it could have been possible anyway, once upon a time.

In the early days of The Way, we could have maintained a single controlling location for our "recipe", with checks and measurements to ensure the highest quality. We could have but we did not. Instead we foolishly handed out our recipe to everyone all over the world so they too could make what we make…and instead they made whatever they felt like making.

Some threw out our recipe entirely but still called it the same thing. Others added in their own ingredients. Others took out what they didn’t like. Others just watered it down.

And then all those other recipes came to replace the original.

If only we had maintained control when we could have. Alas for the past.

But it’s not too late for us today. Not on a personal level anyway. We still have the ability to restore the original recipe, to take the time to age it properly, to check the quality constantly, to guard The Way unchanging, and entrust the recipe and the process of making only to those who are willing to produce the same exact excellence.