Many unqualified men and woman have been put forward or put themselves forward over the centuries. They have stepped up to teach the people what they themselves have either been taught or have imagined in their own minds.

And all these alternate paths have been labeled “Truth”.

These unqualified ministers have made a mess of the Messianic Movement and fashioned in their fantasies a fabricated labyrinth around The Way, with many a twist and turn, to divert the would-be Traveler.

And make no mistake, a monster indeed does reside in the center of that maze.

So how does one properly navigate safely through this labyrinthian course to follow properly the actual Truth rather than falling for the side passages with sign posts labeled “Truth”?

Just like in the myth of the monster in the labyrinth, we have been given a miraculous means of staying on the Path. We have a Thread that we can follow to find The Way out.

That thread is the ability to question.

Ideally we don’t fall into following the foolish side passages, but instead simply go straight on The Way with no deviation.

But if we have already followed a fool down a false path, The Way back is by ceasing to blindly believe.

Stop following any old preacher who says some nice things, who does some kind deeds, who is well dressed and well spoken. Stop listening to whoever comes along with claims of authority, with promises of prosperity and calls for comfort.

Turn away from those who have never worked, trained, and studied. Turn your back on those who have no life experience, who have not faced trial and hardship and suffering.
Turn on those who put themselves forward to teach but have never stepped back to learn.

Raise challenge to those who take up the position of prominence and dare to believe they can lead you when they have never bothered to follow our only True Leader.

Our Heavenly Father has afforded us the ability to reason, and He expects us to do just that.

In the Messianic Movement there are many teachers but few, oh so very few, true students.

There are many who stand up and declare different doctrines. But painfully few people who will study Scripture and history, mythology, philosophy, religion, etymology, philology, and epistemology in order to be armed with the knowledge and experience to check and see if what the preacher said was true or just another path leading off into the darkness where a hungry creature waits to devour us.

And rarer still are the preachers who will tell their students to Question Everything. Especially everything they themselves are teaching.


Stay on the Path.

Stop following ignorant people who claim to be preachers.

Turn back to The Way.


Question Everything
