The most important thing we all can do is take the time to unlearn and relearn.

Especially when new. It’s easier to pivot from traditional Christian practice over to practicing some Torah or from traditional Judaism over to accepting that Yeshua is the Messiah…but that truth lasting in our lives and not being tainted by our past beliefs requires not pivoting but returning.

Sha’ul is the perfect example of this for us. He was smarter before his conversion than anyone of us are now and a great many of us combined could ever be…yet he still missed the fact that Yeshua is The Messiah until Yeshua literally showed up to get in his face.

Many of us have had the same kind of experience if not so vivid as Messiah appearing before us to knock us down and blind us. But we thought we had it right, knew the Word, and were walking in Truth only to be stopped dead in our tracks by the Master and shown better.

But thereafter what did many of us do with what we learned? We started instantly moving forward putting it into practice. That sounds great right? Immediate application of the truth we discover….yet no. That was not what Sha’ul did.

As learned as he was in the Truth, far more than we will ever be, he still took the first step which was to stop. He retreated instead of moving forward. He went away and sat down to unlearn everything for years. And relearn everything from scratch.

Sha’ul new that if he moved forward adding Yeshua to what he already thought was truth he wouldn’t have the Truth in all its fullness. He’d have things that are true atop things that are not. And he wouldn’t be able to distinguish what from what.

If this was true of Sha’ul, how much more of us who have been as far off the mark and misguided all our lives? If we toss the Torah onto our Christianity what kind of structure will we have? A beautiful building standing on a corrupted and crumbling foundation. What if we toss Yeshua atop our judaism? What then? We will have put the foundation on the roof.

We must before all things take the time to unlearn and relearn everything from the beginning.

It takes humility. It takes patience. It takes caution. And it takes time.

But nothing else is worth having but the Truth. And we can only be sure the new thing is Truth if we unlearn and relearn first.

We thought we had the Truth before. And we were wrong. We only had some truth.
We think we have the Truth now….but how can we know if we don’t dismantle the house we’ve been building piece by piece, organize all the materials, assess each against the blueprint, throw out what doesn’t belong, seek out and find what is missing, and begin to build again from the ground up not the roof down.

Question Everything
