Shalom, friends,

This coming Sabbath day, 9/14/2024, we will not be conducting our usual YouTube lesson at 4pm CST. Instead, we will host a brief afternoon Yom Kippur closing service in honor of that most set-apart of scriptural holidays. You are welcome to join us.

We will resume our regular Sabbath lessons next week on 9/21/2024, continuing our series on Shemirath Halashon, "Guarding the Tongue." We hope to see you there.

And YHWH spoke to Moshe, saying, “On the tenth day of this seventh new moon is Yom haKippurim. It shall be a set-apart gathering for you. And you shall afflict your beings, and shall bring an offering made by fire to YHWH. And you do no work on that same day, for it is Yom Kippurim, to make atonement for you before YHWH your Elohim. For any being who is not afflicted on that same day, he shall be cut off from his people. And any being who does any work on that same day, that being I shall destroy from the midst of his people. You do no work – a law forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. It is a Sabbath of rest to you, and you shall afflict your beings. On the ninth day of the new moon at evening, from evening to evening, you observe your Sabbath.”

The Sabbath Keepers Fellowship Yom Kippur Service booklet is available for free viewing or download in PDF form at:

Yom haKippurim Service 09/14/2024 – Sabbath Keepers Fellowship - YouTube

Yom haKippurim Service 09/14/2024 – Sabbath Keepers Fellowship - YouTube

Shalom, friends,This coming Sabbath day, 9/14/2024, we will not be conducting our usual YouTube lesson at 4:00pm CST. Instead, we will host a brief afternoon...