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This is what I'm talking about...

By obedient faith we're freed
by Garth Grenache & Suno

From the ninth of the seventh
From the hour eleventh
Atonement שַׁבָּתוֹן
Its prophecy does warn

Humble yourselves, O faithful few
Afflict your souls, your hearts renew
For judgment comes upon the land
The Anointed One will take His stand

The winepress of God's wrath He'll tread
To cleanse the earth of those misled
Flowing blood to atone for ground
Where sin and death now do abound

The goat for Yah-hwa, sacrificed
The scapegoat, banished from our sight
Foreshadow Anointed's perfect blood
And Satan bound beneath the flood

Living by faith, not mere belief
We'll reign with Him, find sweet relief
A thousand years of peace unfold
As trumpets of יוֹבֵל foretold

So pray and fast, with solemn heart
For from this world we must depart
The books are opened, fates are sealed
God's righteousness at last revealed

When all are judged, both quick and dead
And every tear at last is shed
New heavens and earth arise
Where faithful ones will lift their eyes

To see the face of God Most High
And dwell with Him below the sky
So keep this day, its warning heed
For by obedient faith we're freed