Yom Hakippurym - “Day of Atonement”

It is known simply as “The Fast” and is the most sacred day of the Hebrew year. Kept as a solemn fast from sunset to sunset, the command for this day is to “afflict your souls”. No work or normal activity of any kind is permitted.

All of Yisrael is to meet in a set-apart convocation to pray, both individually and corporately, for pardon of sins. More than just a day of repentance, it is the time of “teshuvah” – a return to YHWH and His ways.

The Hebrew name for the day, “Kippurym”, is in the plural form, and this is explained in the Zohar, “because it represents two streams of love. As soon as the desire for reconciliation has awakened in the sinner’s soul, and wings its way heavenward, Elohym’s grace comes down to meet it, calming the breast with assurance of divine pardon and forgiveness.” In Malaki, the prophet affirms this, as it says, “Return to Me, and I will return to you, saith YHWH Tzava’oth.”

In Temple times, at the end of this day, the shofar was sounded one last time, then the gates were finally, and meaningfully, closed. (Mattithyahu 25:1-13)

The scripture readings are: Vayyiq’ra chapters 16 and 18; B’midbar 29:7-11; Yeshayahu 57:14-58:14; Mikah 7:18-20 and the book of Yonah.
