Pronounce It how you believe is best and most accurate. But pronounce It.

Speak the Name of YHWH. Call upon this Name. Honor this Name. Praise this Name! This is the only Name of Power peoples and nations should rightly fear and glorify.

Your Heavenly Father gave you His Glorious Name and commandment you to remember It, and to call Him by it for all time. Hear Him and obey Him.

And don’t argue over how it should sound.

Take into account dialect and accent. Take into account there were 13 tribes of Israel that all sounded different from eachother. Take into account the rabbis have tried to hide the Divine Name from us for ages. Take into account that generations have gone without this knowledge.

Be gracious. Be merciful. And be faithful to the wonder of His Name.

And if you don’t say His Name like others do then call Him YAH for we can all agree and do that that is the poetic short form of His Name.

But turn away whatever you do from the fake replacement names and titles the church and synagogue have given us to hide His wondrous Name.

YHWH, He is Elohim.

Not Lord.

Not God.

He is Elohim.

And His Name is YHWH.

Praise His Name.

Question Everything
