As I have observed many of the mega churches they are preaching a watered down message. This is unfortunate because more people need to know the truth. Scripture says that many are called but few are chosen. Messiah would rather that we were hot or cold but because some are lukewarm he said he would screw them out of his mouth. Scripture tells us that when we seek him with all our heart then we will find him. Let's not stray away from our first love but with our whole heart serve him and be on fire for him. May his love and his truths permeate your being to such a point that you hate this world and you want to bring as many people as you can into the father's everlasting kingdom. Love the things Elohim loves and hate things he hates. I wish you all a blessed Sabbath and time of refreshing and renewal both physically and spiritually. Shalom my brethren.