Oh how true this is…most of us are like horses that can run till their hearts give out without stopping to rest and recover to safely run some more. We just go go go go go without any reguard for our safety and well-being.

What a blessing YHWH provided for us in His Sacred Seventh Day. Just when we are about run ourselves ragged and just before we run ourselves into ruin, our Heavenly Father calls a halt.

Maybe we can go further. Maybe we can get more done. Maybe we can accomplish more if we carried on a little longer…but our loving Creator Who cares more for us than we know and far more than we even care for our own selves, has told us it is time…time to slow, time to cease, to to savor the hours before we must move on again in full gallop.

How foolish we are to refuse this refuge. How insane to pass by this blessed time of refreshment. How stupid to stay running on the road when respite is right here.

Don’t scorn your Savior’s grace. Don’t spit in His face when He offers you all you need to refuel for the road ahead. His Hand is out-stretched to offer this mercy here and now, and His Arm is not short.

Give Him the glory. Take this gift. And praise His Holy Name.

Shabbat Shalom
