Shalom Chaverim,
SUKKOT begins in 2 weeks!
"There was suddenly a noise, a rattling, and the bones came together bone to bone.” (Ezek. 37:7)
All together 100 spots are booked
for Camp Ephraim from Oct. 16-27, 2024
in the two big tents and the surrounding area in the lower part of the Peace Forest Campground in Jerusalem.
Once you got your silver
You can register for one of the remaining 22 spots
by sending an email to this address: registerCamp
Booking for silver price is only possible for the whole time - Oct. 16-27th.
Why Silver?
Find more DETAILS on the website.
11 nights (in silver troy ounces):
Family with 2 or more children
- 17 ounces for 11 nights
18+y - 5 ounces for 11 nights
5-18y - 3.5 ounces for 11 nights
0-4y - free
Full time worshipers, orphans up to the age of 20 and widows - sponsored by tithes money.
A real deal for real money!
The Camp Ephraim Team
The next New Moon online meeting is on
October 3rd, 18:30 Israel time
? Here is your Meeting Link:
Camp Ephraim
+972 505-2-252-83