For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh.
Romans 9:3 ESV

In Romans 11:1-2 Paul asserts that all of Israel was foreknown and elect, yet we also know that many Israelites are forever lost. Here, he wishes that he could take their curse onto himself to restore every individual Israelite to full relationship with God, but no sacrifice could possibly add to what Yeshua has already done. He took the curse of all sin upon himself for the sake of all people, especially Israel.

The fact that most Israelites remain unfaithful despite being both foreknown and elect is an absolute falsification of Calvinism. Even Yeshua’s sacrifice can’t force all of the called into repentance, not because God is incapable of saving every human who has ever existed, but because he has chosen to save only those who choose to place their faith in him.