This is another type of testimony to what our Creator can do for us when we look a little wider and outside the "box". I hope this can inspire someone.
For 10 years ago I started a non-profit Art & Crafts association in Kungsholmen, Stockholm. Becouse there was little culture in this part of the town. I thougt "Why is it no art or coulture here? Well, make it happen yourself!" We where only 12 artists, so I called it 12 Bridges, becouse it is 12 bridges connecting from Kungsholmen to other parts of the center of Stockholm. Also number 12 has a special meening to me.
Now we are over 50 members and every year we show our art in a "art-walk" during a weekend in september. Our art is exhibit in the lokal galleries and studios. The artwalk has been verry popular and now it is more Galleries and studios that has open up here in our part of the town.
So why do I tell you this?
Well. I know it is possible to change the "climat" in a place. My vision was that more coulture would come to Kungsholmen. Now it has happend! Still much to do, but becouse of doing this with no founds in free time, it has taken time. Now finelly we got a coultural house here in Kungsholmen, only around the corner from my home! On thursday 23/1, there will be the opening of the coultural house!
People in a city, need something creative to do with their hands. Put down their Mobilephones, only for a moment... and start to create, becouse we all are created to create. Maybe you have a garden becouse you live outside the city, well then you have a blessed place, the earth, for your hands to create a garden. There is so manny way to create!
So... let's talk less, and use our hands more for the good of the entire creation.
"To You God in Zion, silence is praise", Psalm 65:1
Be a light where you are <3
(Peaceful bridge, original art acrylic on canvas).
David Martin
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