Question 264: What Was The Power Conferred On Peter By Moshiach’s Commission Of The Keys?


The keys and the power of binding and loosing referred to a common Jewish custom. When a man had passed his examinations for the high position of a doctor of the law, he received as his diploma, a key which was handed to him with the words, "Receive authority to bind and to loose," that is to permit or forbid. Having mastered the law, he could say whether some act was lawful or unlawful. Peter's declaration that Yeshua was the Son of YHVH was the evidence of his having reached a state of spiritual faith and perception which Moshiach recognized (Matthew 16:18, 19). The keys may also have had reference to Peter's opening the doors of Moshiach's Kingdom to the multitude on the day of Shavuot and to the Gentiles by preaching to Cornelius. It is clear that the Apostles did not recognize Peter as superior to themselves. It was James who passed sentence in the council (Acts 15:13, 19) although Peter was present; and Paul "withstood Peter to the face." (Galatians 2:11.)