Some may ask what the recent revival craze and false prophets may have in common. Matthew 24:5, “For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” This is very similar to the Jeremiah 14:14 verse. there is an old saying from the sixteenth century, “If it sounds too good to be true, it’s too good to be true” implies that we need to carefully examine what we hear and I would add from whom we hear it. Accepting our Creator should be a life changing decision and not one made on impulse or to follow along with the crowd.
Scarlett Shani Richey
In 2023 I had open vision of a woman that was trying to present herself to my husband, she was wearing one of those pointy hats with a veil like they wore during the reniassance. Then in 2024 I had another vision of 3 women wearing the same and they were again just trying to be around my husband but trying to mess me up. I was shown both times that these were of the Nicoliatian. These women have jezebelian tendencies. Now at this time one of them is always wanting to touch my husband where he works. She catches him off guard and it always is in a way that “seems” innocent. On one occasion at a flying club meeting when I was present she walked over and hugged his neck right in my face and then she gave me some subtle arrogant look. I chose to walk in grace that time and just began to pray regarding this. She backed off for a while but is starting this up again.
This happened again this week as she trailed behind him and got close enough to touch his stomach making a remark. He came home sick. He began to tell me about his day at work and different incidences. I knew he was not really physically sick but that he was being attacked by witchcraft. I had seen an open vision of a glimpse of a serpent. When he told me about her brazen overreach I knew that was what it was. I walked over touched his stomach and rebuked the serpent and I saw it leave off of him.
Fasting and seeking Yahuah to deal with this situation and for my husband to have wisdom on how to confront this situation as confronting Jezebel is always an immediate war and her husband is covertly treacherous. I never seen the day that two 80 year old people could be so wickedly acting. I was raised to be respectful to the elderly but I was also trained well to deal with these jez spirits and how to confront them. The jez principality that controls women can be piously or seductively subtle or out right brazen.
There is a reason scripture says that a man should not touch a woman. Nor should a woman be touching a man. In emergencies where there is no choice is obviously under grace but people need to learn to keep their hands to themselves. I’m already ready for the “oh you’re just a jealous woman” haha. You betcha, if your putting your hands on my husband you may want to better deal with the Creator than me”. I am not overly jealous in a way that is unrighteous but righteously jealous is what these kinds will be confronted with and by the time I am finished with my lil talk with them they will either be repenting or start a war.
It’s a no brainer ladies, if a woman is always or even one time hugging your husband but won’t even try to hug you she is already being used by a jez spirit.
The modern law less church has made a mess of itself over the years with men laying hands on women at the altar and all that. I used to be in the midst of all that from the mid 90’s to 2007; was away for a bit then went to revival in 2012 and a man laid hands on me at the altar and a serpent got ahold of me. I didn’t know what hit me and I suffered but then I finally got delivered of it. HalleluYAHuah! During that 5 year battle I would cry out to Yeshua to deliver me of it and He would say, “my grace is sufficient” 😩 so I thought it would be a constant struggle to the end. HalleluYAHuah Now I am FREE of it and can help others. That FREEDOM came through getting away from the church nicoliatian loosy goosy bunch and obeying Creators commands; the only remaining problem is that the man that laid hands on me that put that yuk on me still travels around with his covert church gang and is always covert up in my business causing me problems. He has covert circumvented many people that have been in my life for years of those that we have always encouraged one another’s faith. Some of us that have prayed are suspect that the guy is some type of nephalim.
I just visited a friend down south that I have been friends with since 2007. She is a shabbath & feast commandment keeping woman. I kept discerning something was off with her. Then it came to light as one morning I saw a brood of vipers around her, so I prayed quietly and observed. Then she wanted me to watch a church video by a guy online. I immediately recognized the name as this guy is part of that Nicoliatian evangelical bunch as well and I gracefully told her that I prefer not to listen to him. Then I cautioned her to be guarded about listening to them. Then as I would leave her home to traverse through the town to go visit my newborn grandchild these Nico’s would be parked along the way spying on me so I always test these people if I have time to prove it out and it is confirmed every time. One of those spying was a friend of my mom’s who is a mason. I warned my parents to stay away from them abd my dad finally severed ties with them back in the early 2000’s but after he passed away she got back in my moms life and my mom would not heed my warning. They hadn’t seen my dad for a few years but up until he was in the hospital passing and we ended up on the same landing as I was getting off the elevator it was like a silent stand off and I almost asked them “what are you doing here”! But I discerned at that moment their secret treachery had something to do with my dad’s sudden illness.
These Nico’s create fabrications and half baked truths and grave-dig against those that will not conform to their agendas. You may have gotten born again and filled with the Ruach haQodesh and fire in the 90’s and became a New Creation but these grave chasers will try to dig up your old self and lay that dead thing on your back and try to make you carry it again. It’s an evil affinity.
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