Shalom Shalom family ?

Where is our joy?
Why does it feel as if this darkness is not moving away?

David experienced many trials and sorrows in his life.

As a shepherd, giant-slayer, a hero, warrior, fugitive, exile, father, and king, he had seen it all and gone through many levels of great temptation.

David was certainly no stranger to the unexpected or the unpredictable nature of life.

But in everything, David, who is referred to in the Bible as a “man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22), he kept his eyes on YHVH and certainly had a relationship with the Almighty

When times were tough, he cried out to YHVH in pain of frustration; and YHVH was faithful to David.

David lifted his voice in praise, he showed his gratitude and gave thanks in joy by showing it. He made a joyful noise and danced when things made him cheerful.

Us as believers in YHVH are encouraged by the life and transparency of David, who proved to be much more than just a warrior or king to give thanks in all our situations and trust that YHVH is still on the Throne as He is the Almighty.

In the joyous times, hopeless moments, and every season in between, David poured his emotions into poetry and music. He written it in the Psalms.

David's song in Psalms 30:5 in particular offers insight into the promise of Yeshua HaMashiach’s resurrection.

Their is a renewal that comes after the darkest nights as we can see joy in the morning.

Psalm 30:5
weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.

We have seen the light and the sun came to shine upon the earth and there a sparing is life that still have that very Morning the opportunity to give thanks.

Life is living it. What you proclaim today with your mouth over every situation. Dont speak death!! Speak life!!

I am victorious in all things YHVH have made possible in life. I take victory in the trials and stand strong because my Saviour lives and He is King of Kings and higher than any authority given to mere a man. HalleluYah

Our Heavenly Father thank You for giving us this day to shout with joy victoriously. We give thanks for being overcomers and winners because we have You. Thank You for going before us, standing behind us and fighting for us. Thank You for making a way where there seems no way. Making all thing possible where we see it impossible. Thank You for the daily mannah in our life, the glorious presence of Your Spirit. Let us walk in Your light today and let us feel Your presence. Thank You for our provisions and blessings. Most of all thank You for being our God Allmighty and powerful. Preserve our lives today and help us not to give up or in to the darkness but stand strong in our faith. We give You all our doubts today so that You our Elohim change it to Trust and fill us with renewed Spirit, minds and soul of righteousness. Forgive us our sins and trespasses against Thee and others. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. Amein

Be blessed and stay blessed ?