WHY are Cities so Dangerous? (a subject on Sisters of Yeshua group)
My Thoughts on this subject:
My thoughts are that where the people are is where Satan will put his most powerful demons there, except when like Jesus The Messiah or Paul and many others go out to where there are fewer people to seek the LORD in prayer. Then for that person who is and will be in a battle to STOP them in their path forward. Jesus The Messiah got Satan himself to show up. Have you ever wondered how some people Saved and the UNSAVED always have problems and not via the way of a sin-filled lifestyle? It is because as a prayer warriors when the LORD knew them before they were in their mother's womb, have the spiritual DNA to be a powerful person in their calling. Some say and understand that apportion might murder the person who has the cure for cancer, but I say they also may be murdered out of fear of the LORD's plan. Not that Satan can do that, for his track record in that is that Satan has failed every time. Example: Moses and Jesus The Messiah. From the time of Jesus The Messiah putting the demons into the pigs over the cliff and over 2000 years, we have been doing the same in HIS name. Satan numbers are going down and ours are going UP. So what does Satan want more than his fallen angels, YOU! A person who has the gifts of the LORD from birth. He won't find those in the places where there are more bears and insects than people. NO, Satan and his demons are going where the people are the most. That happens to be cities and places of power. I would say the most dangerous city from a place of DEMONS would be Washington DC. Then the world and that is an easy one is Jerusalem. Just a thought.
