How long have people been making their own doctrine?
How does it happen? Are we smarter now?
Let us look at Chapter 3 of Genesis. When the serpent said to the woman, you may NOT eat of every tree of the garden? Like most of us, we have people ask us a question about what and how and even what church we go to? How do we do? But let us LOOK at the Woman's answer to Satan. We may eat of the fruit of the trees but of the tree in the midst of the garden. GOD SAID, "You shall not eat of it and neither shall you TOUCH it." She is quoting the LORD. "Can't TOUCH it", did GOD say that? Genesis 2:17. She added on to what GOD said. That is what man's doctrine does. Look at Cain, why did he kill his brother? Because Cain wanted to worship GOD his own way, Cain wanted to change the offering to the LORD. How did that end up? With MURDER. The very first family. What about today's smarter world. We still think Eve ate an apple. We still think pagan holidays are better than the LORD's feast days. What is the bottom line here? Once you change a dot or tile, add or subtract a word, then you are open to attack. This is HOW people change to a being new creature by reading and knowing the WORD of GOD not by the word of man. Revelation 22: 18~21
