A poem about Jacob's life I wrote a few years back:

Jacob’s in his mama’s womb
Taking one on the chin
He’s never seen the sun
But he’s seen the dark of sin
Esau shows no mercy
So he has to fight it out
And win any way he can
It’s what Jacob’s world's about

Jacob’s at the oven
Stirring a pot of stew
Cooking up more trouble
Than he ever knew
His brother’s done his hunt
And worked up an appetite
Jacob'll trade his beans today
For Esau’s own birthright

Jacob’s on his knees
In a goatskin costume
Stealing blessings from his brother
And dancing with his doom
His papa’s hand upon his head
Jacob’s lips have gone a’lying
Hopes his deceit is undiscovered
While Isaac’s prophesying

Jacob’s on the run
Head resting on a stone
All his plans turned on him
He’s facing the unknown
Angels interrupt his sleep
Snoozing outside heaven’s gate
They run down those stairs
To earth from G-d’s estate

Jacob working for a wife
In the fields of Laban’s lies
He’ll get the Rachel that he wants
As well as Leah’s weakened eyes
He knows there’s gotta be a way
To take Laban’s hand off his throat
Then in a dream Jacob is shown
Just how to get his goat

Jacob on Canaan’s road
Sleeps by the riverside
Fighting off a stranger
Who’s busting up his hide
This rumble he can’t win
But still he just won’t let go
'til he is blessed & his hip is wrenched
By one whose name he’ll never know

He’s wrestled from the womb
For what he thought was right
A blessing may be hard to get
But it’s worth all the fight
So he grabs life by the heels
Lets it kick and scream
And rolls in the dust if he must
For Bethel was not a dream