Do you know how very much you're cared about? Yahweh provides for you every single thing you need. HE cares for the birds in the air and HE loves you so much more – don't ever think HE doesn't care for you. Even when HE's silent, HE is still present in your life. And just as HE is sometimes "still," every now and then, we need to be that way too. We need to just sit back in prayer and allow HIM to work in, through, and for us. We need to wait, and do it patiently, as HE opens doors for us to walk through while HE closes others. We need to allow HIM to fight our battles for us. We need to relinquish our burdens to HIM for HE is able to deal with them. We need to Trust and have Faith, that our every need [not necessarily our wants] will be met by HIM because HE loves us so...
Boker Tov, Beloved Yisra'El ?
"Moreover, my Elohim [Yahweh/GOD] will fill every need of yours according to HIS Glorious Wealth, in unison with the Messiah Yeshua [JESUS]." ~ Pilipyim [Philippians] 4:19