Jacob knew Laban's reputation, so he was very explicit in his negotiation terms: "Rachel, your younger daughter." Good plan, but it didn't help. God had another plan in mind. See #genesis 29:18.

Was Leah meant to marry Esau? Jacob lied to Isaac in order to ensure he received Esau's blessing, so God arranged for Laban to lie Jacob to ensure he received Esau's bride too. Leah and Rachel had to know what was going on, but they didn't tell Jacob. They were complicit in Laban's nuptial switcheroo.


Soil from Stone: Jacob, Rachel, & Leah: Whose Eyes Were Veiled?

Soil from Stone: Jacob, Rachel, & Leah: Whose Eyes Were Veiled?

Genesis 29:23 …he took Leah his daughter… It appears that this maneuver was Laban’s idea, but Jewish tradition says that Rachel and Leah w...