Paul wrote, "To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law."
When he went to the Temple to offer sacrifices, was he just pretending to still be a good, Torah-observant Jew so that other Jews would be more willing to listen to him?
Or did he mean something else by this statement?
Nancy Kindt
crossed into deception.
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Attie Z
So if an heir to the promise in the eyes of the law, he is under the high priest hood of Messiah Yeshua and walking according to the spirit, having crucified his flesh. I think Paul referred to it as having been no better than a bond servant until a son was of legal age, , but once the heir turned the legal age to inherit, his status within the law was what changed.
While I don’t think her was “pretending”’to be a good Jew, I do think that he subjected himself to the law of sin and death when it is no longer required of someone in the heir to the promise status. Kind of how Messiah Yahshuah cam and humbled himself and was subject to the law while he tabernacled amongst us. Or Moses, having a higher status then the Jews in bondage to pharaoh, stepped down and into a lower status to be with his people and to bring them into relationship with ABBA❤️
Once you are walking in the spirit man, the Torah becomes a light unto our paths instead of task master who’s only recourse is death to pay the interest of the sin debt. Your relationship to the law is what changes... His commandments are not burdensome ?
I’m always learning, and am by no means an expert on Paul, so I am open to new understanding as lead by the Ruach ?
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