Blessed are You Adonai Elohim for You created this world out of Your goodness and pour Your love on it! All things are precious in Your sight and are valued. Father, we know that You are our Protection and our Strength and therefore we pray for all who are suffering for their faith in You, we pray for all who are mocked, scorned, rejected and in danger. We pray for those imprisoned and those who suffer physical harm. We pray for all who seek to proclaim Your love and to help in the healing of nations. We ask Your blessing upon the true Church of Your Son Yeshua Moshiach. YHVH Eloheinu, we ask Your blessing upon all who work for the conservation of the earth and for the care of each creature. We give thanks and praise for the comfort and security of our homes. May we always be aware of the needs of others. We ask Your blessing upon our loved ones, families and friends, that they may know Your love and care. Loving Father, we come in Your presence and kneel down for Your protection for those who have been involved in accidents, acts of violence, for the sick and those who are on the death bed. We ask Your blessing on all those who have been driven of their land and out of their homes. We think of all those who are suffering emotionally and ask that You will comfort them. Adonai, we give our thanks for the deliverance of Your people. But, again there are those who are rising up against all believers to annihilate them. We ask that You bless Your people and that You will be for them a Pillar of Fire at night and a Cloud by day and we ask that their enemies we flee in shame before Your power and Glory. Bless everyone here on TTN and may we all remember those who are slaves, poor, widowed or orphaned during this time. For ourselves we give thanks to You and say: “Baruch Attah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-Olam, shello `asani aved!” (Blessed are You Lord our God, King of the universe, Who did not make me a slave). For ourselves we give thanks to You that we are free people. We ask that You will forgive us for all our sins and that You open our ears that we may hear Your voice, touch our tongues that we may speak Your Word and touch our lips that we may praise and worship You forever and ever. We pray this prayer in the Name of our Saviour Yeshua Moshiach, amein.