Blessed are You Adonai and Father of our King Yeshua Moshiach. To You be the glory and praise forever and ever. By raising Your Son from the dead, death has been destroyed and new life has been restored. In Him the victory over sin and the grave is won! As You call us to newness of life, may our lives reflect His glory. Blessed are You Father for You are one. Adonai, bless Your Church that it may reveal Your presence and the power of the resurrection. May each church community in this world show signs of new life and joy in You. Through our relationship with You may we bring others to be faithful. We ask Your blessing upon all who are seekers, all who are new in the faith and all who are struggling with doubt and darkness. Adonai, bless this world with Your peace, the peace that this world cannot achieve on its own. We pray for peace between nations and people, neighbours and households. We ask Your blessing upon all peacemakers and the work of the United Nations. We pray for all who live in fear for their lives and all who have lost confidence in themselves or the world around them. Father, bless our own homes, our families, our friends and our loved ones with the joy of Your presence. May our homes ever be open to You and Your love. We pray for all who are hungry, who suffer from poverty or who are homeless. We ask Your blessing upon all who live amid strife and fear and all who are unable to rejoice in life. We ask Your blessing on all who feel restricted by what is happening around them. Father, we pray for those who live in violent, crime or deprived areas. Bless all those who are ill or who are injured through accidents and upon all those who care for them. Give them courage and hope in their troubles. Adonai, bless our loved ones who are not near us, who are travelling or who we have no contact with, may they all rejoice in the fullness of Your presence and glory. We pray this in the Name of Yeshua Moshiach, amein.