Blessed are You YHVH Elohim, for You love us with an everlasting love. We rejoice that nothing can separate us from Your love in Yeshua Moshiach. YHVH Adonai, let Your light shine through us and help us to show Your love to each other at all times. YHVH Rohi, we give thanks for this TTN fellowship and for all who teach us to have faith in You. We pray for teachers and preachers, rabbi’s and evangelists, for ministers and Bible translators and we ask Your blessing upon all Bible study groups, and those who learn Your Word. We pray for all who are seeking to grow in love of You and in faith. YHVH Tsidkenou, we give thanks for all who reveal Your love and care through dedicated lives. We ask Your blessing upon all those who work among the deprived and under-privileged people of this world. We pray for all who seek to bring peace and unity to communities and nations. We pray for all who are homeless, hungry and in need. YHVH Yireh, we give thanks to You for all who have shown us love and care. We ask Your blessing upon our homes and our loved ones. We pray for all who are separated from their loved ones through illness or circumstance. We pray especially for the lonely and any who feel unloved. YHVH Rophe, we thank You for all who reveal love through working in the health professions. We pray for doctors, nurses, hospital staff, paramedics and ambulance employees. We ask Your blessing upon all who are ill, suffering or injured and especially for those who have no-one that can take care of them. YHVH Nissi, we give You thanks for the gift of eternal life. We rejoice in the fellowship of Your saints and ask Your comfort on all who have lost a loved one recently. May we all share with them in the fullness and glory of Your Kingdom. We pray this in the mighty Name of our Moshiach, Yeshua, amein.