This is our local observatory. As a child, I was heavily indoctrinated into the space ideology. Sci-Fi films, every space documentary that came on tv, every star trek episode and movie, space odyssey 2001, star wars trilogy, the abyss, the list goes on. Whenever there was a thunderstorm, dad would play his War of the Worlds LP. And whenever the observatory had an open night for the public, we would go. Whenever the observatory members had a BBQ, we would attend because my father was one of the members of this organization. I remember many times when it was only for members, how we would be allowed to work the controls for the large telescope and point the telescope to where we wished to view. It had its' own planetarium which I always found to be a scary place being that the tape they used to explain what was projected onto the domed ceiling sounded ominous, deep and scary. Tie that in with a phobia of the dark and it wasn't always a place I tried to be in when I could help it. They had a 'moon rock' on show on a wooden pedestal that was uncovered. The amount of times I was permitted (being that I was careful) to be allowed to pick it up as long as the public was not around, I could not count on my hands as it was quite often. The 'moon rock' looked like a large piece of pyrite. Coming to know the earth is flat for me was not easy. I laughed at it at first, mocked it, called it out when I thought it was wrong, got my information from the flat earth society (which by the way is not a real flat earth site...none of us believe the majority of what is written there. See this site which made me think the whole thing was ludicrous. But towards the end of 2017, after much researching into the topic (I'm speaking of quite a few years and of which I am still doing) and performing my own experimentations and observations (all of which is a part of science) and having experienced some things the majority of people will never get to experience, I have come to my own conclusion on the evidence and where that evidence lead me. I'm in no way saying that if you believe the earth is a globe that you can't believe it for you're entitled to your viewpoint just as people like myself are entitled to ours. When the new earth is here, the shape of the earth is not going to cause any contention because we will have the whole truth and so it will no longer be a mystery or viewed from multiple angles for any of us that Yah chooses to save. Let us therefore be as the brothers and sisters that we are and continue in what Yah has told us we must therefore do. Let us each strive for our answers and be answerable for ourselves.
