Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu for You are with us in our journeying and in our resting. You are to be found in our homes, in our daily lives and in our hearts. You are our hope and our strength; You lay us down besides in green pastures and lead us beside the still waters. Blessed are You Adonai, our King Most High. Adonai, make Yourself known to us in our churches and through the Scriptures. May we know You in the breaking of the bread, in the break of each day and when our hearts are breaking. Open our eyes and help us to see that You travel with us on the road of life and You never leave or forsake us. Fill us with Your Spirit and anoint our heads with Your oil, that we may proclaim the Good News and tell others of Your love. Adonai, we pray for all who are suffering because of their faith in You, those who live in fear and those whose lives are restricted. We pray for all travellers and those who provide transport. We ask Your blessing upon those who feel they are going into the dark and to the end of live. We pray for political prisoners and the work of Amnesty International. We pray for those who are captive to doubt, fear and sin. Adonai, may we be at home with You in our homes and when our hearts are burn within us, may we know that You are near. Help us to know that You are with us in all our dealings with others. We pray for those who feel rejected, who are lonely and those who feel they are missing out on live. We pray for all who lost vision and hope and for all who are struggling with life. Adonai, we pray for the broken-hearted, those suffering from broken relationships, all who are broken by illness or trouble and all those who cannot longer cope on their own. May they know You in their breaking for You alone can make us whole. We pray for all who we come in contact with every day and may all know that in You we are born anew. We pray and ask all this in the Name of our Saviour, Yeshua Moshiach, amein.