#torah - Deuteronomy 30:15 (ESV)
“See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil.”

Yeshua taught us that all the Father’s Torah boils down to loving Him and loving our neighbor - but is this spiritual truth to also be understood based on this verse, this thought, this basic instruction? Choose life or death!

Can His Torah can be summarized as choose life or death. Did our God mean it just as Moses wrote it? As my wife and I learn to obey His Commandments and as He grants understanding - has He showed us all that it can be this simple?

You’re unclean if you touch a dead body. Wash before sunset. Is Death simply Failed life?

Not just any wound or blood flow makes a person unclean but a woman’s menstrual period is unclean? Wash and remain unclean until morning? Why? Failed life?

When a man ejaculates - wash whatever is touched as it remains unclean until morning. Is this because he Failed to produce life?

How about “Not” mixing two kinds of animals like a horse and a donkey which produces a mule which itself usually cannot reproduce. Is that Failed life?

How about mixing two seeds? Genetically modified corn that cannot reproduce. Is that death? How about produce mixed with unclean items like spermicide or spider DNA, or even human blood. Are all these GMO’s just Failed life?! Things that can’t reproduce? What about that first mixed fruit - the tree “mixed with Good and evil”? Can GMO.s violate his command not to mix? Does it all Lead to Death or “failed life”.

How about “pharmakia”. Do certain pills kill bodily functions or do they promote life within the body. You can make wise medical decisions based on this simple concept, right?

How about pesticides or herbicides? Do those kill or promote life?

I’m starting to realize that YHWH’s Torah isn’t just a bunch of do’s and don’ts but instructions on choosing life and avoiding choosing death.

Choose today whom you will serve. Choose LIFE. Choose Yeshua. Choose the Father‘s Torah.