Hello all! A question for you - did you have your babies/children dedicated in your church or fellowship and if so, how was it done? We currently attend a church near us (there is no Torah keeping fellowship where we live) and we are having our child dedicated soon - but I wanted to gather ideas and make it as in line with our values as possible. Thanks in advance!
Cheri L
Found this it might be helpful...
Like all Jewish boys, Christ was circumcised at eight days of age. He was subsequently presented to the temple with his mother, per Jewish custom, at forty days of age. This formed a dual function in the past: a purification right for women after childbirth and the Jewish ceremony of the redemption of the firstborn. All of this is discussed in the New Testament in Luke 2:22–38. I can’t speak for other Christian churches, but our Church has continued this ancient practice with some modifications. Women primarily stay home to rest and care for the newborn for the first forty days after childbirth (a prudent practice for the infant, medically speaking, as infants for the first two months of their life, but especially the first month, have a very underdeveloped immune system that predisposes them to significant illness). Then on the fortieth day they both come to Church for a blessing for both the mother and the infant. The infant is then literally “presented to the temple” as the priest brings the baby in front of the altar. Of course, this is still just a dedication to the Church. Actual initiation into the Church and Christianity doesn’t occur until Baptism, which also usually happens as an infant or toddler in most cases.
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