Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, for You accept us in our sin, You forgive all who are penitent and give us the opportunity of newness of life. Loving and forgiving Adonai we rejoice in Your presence and we pray for all who seek to build up TTN in Your Love. We ask Your blessing upon all who are being prepared for baptism. We pray for all who seek forgiveness and want to start afresh. Father, we pray for all who work for reconciliation between peoples and nations. We pray for all who seek to heal old hurts and historical grievances. Bless all peacemakers and all who work to bring unity and understanding within communities. We pray for all who are burdened with this epidemic and all who seek to bring justice and fair dealings to our world. Father, may our homes reflect Your love. Forgive our petty divisions and jealousies, our quarrelling and our anger. Adonai, through our homes and loved ones teach us forgiveness, tolerance and compassion. May our homes and our community be seen as caring and loving. Father, we pray for all whose lives who are spoiled by hatred and the desire for revenge. We pray for all who feel they cannot be forgiven and who cannot forgive. We ask Your blessing upon all who are troubled in mind or spirit and all who are tempted to give up hope. Loving Father, we give thanks that we are ransomed, healed and forgiven. We ask Your blessing upon our friends and loved ones, that knowing Your forgiveness they may rejoice in Your love. We pray this in the Name of Yeshua Moshiach our Saviour and King, amein.