PLEASE mention the following requests to Father when you have your quiet time with Him:

Please pray for Ronnie's his heart and breathing. Please pray he continues to make positive progress and that by the faith in Yeshua he recovers and heals. Please pray for his fever to subside and please pray for his dr's to make the right medical decisions to help him recover. Thank you --- Pat

I've been praying a lot... speaking my thoughts to YHVH. Truth is I'm scared. I haven't lived a good Christian life. I've sinned and gone back and forth with Elohim over the last 40 years. In those years I've neglected my health and taking care of this body that He gave me. Part of why I did this was gluttony, laziness and depression... So here I am asking YHVH to heal me... yet I feel guilt about how I didn't follow His guidance all these years... so how do I pray for healing? I never know if YHVH is speaking to me or if it's my "logical" mind convincing me of the thoughts I hear. I heard YHVH doesn't want us sick; we make ourselves sick. Help. --- Marie

A former roommate ended up homeless and he is mentally unstable. I do not know what to do --- Stefanie

Prayers for me that I will heal quickly from covid and have no long term effects. And prayers for more energy --- Susan

please pray for my parents and father in law's kidney function to increase. Also pray for me since I am the one making/taking them to all their doctor appointments --- Eve

Please pray for my daughter's friend Angelle. Her father has been given a few days to live- diagnosed with asbestos and Dr. say they can't do anything for him and he will die soon. Also she fostering a child for 2.5 years and the abusive mother is trying to get him back. There is a new judge on the case and we are praying for the child to stay with Angelle and her family. Also prayers for my son in law who is very stressed out at work and also need directions to where to attend church for them and family. Praying divine intervention in Yeshua' Name! --- Barbara

Pray for my Aunt. She is in the intensive care after 2 surgeries and will be going in for a 3rd surgery tomorrow (Sunday). Her vitals signs are weak and she needs a miracle. I am praying the doctors and surgeons can be guided by YHVH to help my aunt through this dark time in her life. Her name is Clara --- Rosie

Please pray that my son learns to live frugally, keeps care of himself physically, and starts having higher aspirations. Please pray for Anita and her family. Please pray for brother who suffers from paranoia and schizophrenia. Please pray that my niece' rehab goes well. Please pray for my Mom. Thank you. --- Robert

Please pray for Beth who is 35 weeks pregnant with twins. There are some concerns. Both babies growth rates have declined greatly. Please pray for these twin boys, and their families as they wait on Adonai. --- Diana

Please pray that YHVH restores my mother's sight. She has macular degeneration and it is getting worse. And please pray for my sister Susan and me. We are her caretakers. Thank you. --- Vicky

Our church prayer group is asking for prayers for the following people: Ellie, Joe, Ryan, Hillie family, Christopher. I have no other information. Thank you --- Joan

Pray for my eyes and prostate and give me more energy, pray for my arteries that they be unclog in blood flow freely. Pray for daughter in college that she keep doing good and I have the money for her to finish as a doctor, and that she be a top doctor and protect her while she study. --- Mike

Please pray YHVH restores my mobility, faith and health, and protection from harm --- Linda

Please pray for Jeanne and Leslie. They need more true friends in their lives. They also need financial support through Yahuah's direction. Please pray for Karen and Sean that their marriage will be stronger because of all the medical setbacks they have had. Thanks --- Lisa

Please pray for Dave. He needs prayers for health, finances, and relationships. Thank you. --- Bets

Pray that my work goes well and that I do not get in trouble. That we do not get made redundant. For my hours not to get cut. --- Abi

I pray my husband will heal from his ongoing back injuries and become pain free. I pray that my health issues will be resolved quickly and successfully. I pray that our doctors are guided by YHVH and His knowledge. Amen. --- Dot

Help save our home in Yeshua' Name Amen --- Tracey

Please keep my husband and me in your prayers. We are having terrible consequences on our health. I am doing especially bad now with stomach and heart complications. My husband has health issues that have been made worse because of the continuing stress. Thank you. HaShem bless you --- Christa