This is sacred knowledge... only for the initiated. It is something that has to be realized not told. Cognitive dissonance is real even if you fully realize the truth on your own... I basically had a nervous breakdown when I realized how big the lie is and how far it goes...
You guys need to stop trying to convince globetards that they live on a plane instead of a planet. They barely believe in secret societies... it's to big of a leap for them...and here is why...
Society believes that truth comes from authority.
That means if a policeman or teacher or pastor or parent tells you something you believe it... because they are in a position of authority. However if your younger siblings tell you something (true or not) your gonna go verify what they are telling you with... that's right... someone in authority...
This means that you can tell the truth all day about the earth being flat, but until your the one in the position of authority, noone will listen... wanna prove the earth is flat? Become the Head of school district or the president. Gain authority first, then tell the truth...
The difference between preaching and spreading knowledge is being asked before hand. If someone asks about the flat earth...then humbly tell them the truth starting with "well some people believe..." If they didn't ask... don't tell them. It's sacred, and if the elites ever decide to give us one of the continents they are keeping a secret we don't want to share it with the globetards... so shhhh.