Blessed are You Adonai Elohim, King of the universe, for in Your Son Yeshua our Moshiach You have triumphed over darkness and death and opened to us the way to eternal life. Through Moshiach our Saviour You have given us new hope and joy. As we rejoice in His presence may we give glory to You. Blessed are You Father. We give thanks for Yeshua the Good Shepherd and we pray for all who are called to share in His ministry as shepherds and guides of Your flock. We pray for all pastors, priests, ministers, deacons, elders and all other preachers of Your Word. We ask Your blessing upon them and upon all of those who seek out the lost and the straying. Loving Elohim, we pray for all who express Your love in the way they care for others. We pray for all who are striving for justice and the relief of poverty. We pray for all social workers, carers and good neighbours. We ask Your blessing upon all who feel at the mercy of circumstance and who are unable to manage on their own. Adonai, bless our homes and our loved ones. May we show respect and care for the world around us and not be caught up with selfishness and greed. Help us through our love for each other to reveal Your love in the world. We give thanks that through Yeshua we can walk with confidence and hope. We ask Your blessing upon all who struggle in darkness and fear, all who feel lost and those who are captive to vice and sin. We pray for all our friends and loved ones who are ill and all who struggle with crime, war and unfairness. We rejoice in our risen Saviour and the promise of eternal life. Adonai, to You and Your unfailing love we commit ourselves and the whole world in time and for eternity. Father, we pray this and ask that You accept this pray for the sake of Your Son Yeshua Moshiach and we ask that You hear us and help us through His Wonderful Name, amein.

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