Requests that needs intercession:

I ask for prayers for my children, some have become estranged from each other, Please Pray the Lord will somehow intervene & reconnect my children. Thank you so Much for your prayers, In Christ --- Diana

Pray that work goes well that I don't get in any type of trouble. For me to honour Elohim in all I do --- Gail

Please pray for my dear friends. They must go into Assisted Living. --- Jean

I feel overwhelm by all the things I have to do and I need your prayers to keep me healthy, calm and for my fears of getting sick will go away. God bless you! --- Maria

The date is rapidly approaching when my son will leave rehab. He has responded to treatment and is stable.... please pray with me for a job for him that will help him stay accountable, that he will be honest with himself and his doctor and that he and his family will have a good happy life. Please continue to pray that he will addiction free, healthy and happy... Thank you for your support and prayers --- Sash

Please pray that my laboratory readings will be good and I won’t have to go for treatment. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen. --- Bob

Pray for my fiancé John in the air force --- Dorothy

Please pray for healing of my nose from melanoma. Please pray also for a new job for my daughter. Blessings --- Janet

I am asking for prayer and peace at this time. I’m very depressed because I’m in a stressful relationship and work in a toxic environment. No matter how hard I pray, nothing changes. I feel hopeless and I’m stressed out which leads to me being depressed. --- April

Please pray for my children for a good school year and success in exams and no bullying or sexual harassment. Please pray for good solid friendships. Please pray for good relationship contact with their Grandparents. In Jesus's name I pray. --- Lorna

That I have the strong faith & belief that God has a plan for all of us & I can accept all happenings, that grandkids & all Christians come back to the church & we can believe that Jesus will take care & guide us every day if we ask Him --- Marilyn

Prayers for my husband, that he finds the perfect driving job, one that he loves and a company that loves him. Thank you --- Rosemary

Prayer for justice --- William

Pray for my health and husband's health. Pray for me to lose weight. Pray for our weather we're going to have rain and wind --- Roberta

Thank you, Lord, for our blessings. Thank you for being with us. Thank you for us all to be healed and closer to you. Help us get closer to you. Take away my insecurities, envy. Give me courage, too. Put us in your paths, Lord, help us with our finances, our relationships. In Jesus name, amen, thank you for our blessings, amen --- Juanita

Father, please let the court hearing go in our favour and please let the judge approve the sale of the house to us. All power is Yours to grant this request and we have full faith it has already been granted. Amen. --- Napur

Pray for my young grandson. Please pray that the demons that torment him will be banished. Pray for my friend. Cancer has returned. She is a nurse and wife of a paraplegic husband. Loved by so many. Pray for a cure --- Debbie

Adonai, I am praying and asking for your help of my Brother with the new job that he has to work out for him. Guide my Brother to work safely every day and every night. Adonai, I am praying for your help of my Brother to call the phone number that his parole officer texted or e-mailed him so that he calls every month and makes payments on his court fines so he does not get into any trouble with his parole officer. Amen. --- Kim

I am missing going to church, and stores as I have had no car for 3 years at least, I stay in my room most of the time, I miss my deceased husband and daughter --- Gina

Please pray that if it is God's will, my husband and I will get pregnant and have a healthy, happy, and intelligent baby. thank you for your prayers --- Andrea

Hello all my wonderful brothers and sisters! I am homeless at 75 for 15 years your prayers give me strength not to give up altogether! Thank you and GOD bless you. --- Dan

My son is struggling with a lot of anger, & aggression, he's headed down the wrong path. Help me pray PLEASE! Don't let anything happen to him Lord, humble his heart! Heal his heart from any pain and trauma. Help him get out of the toxic relationships he is in. Send him people that will guide him to You Lord! Don't let me lose my son, send your Angels to help him fight this spiritual fight and cover him with your precious blood Jesus! --- Alondra

Prayer request for my role along with my sisters as we try to help our elderly parents --- Cecilia

Please pray for me that everything comes back normal on my blood tests --- Kayla

Please pray for me concerning an important letter , that I receive it! A family has been trying to retrieve all the mail they seem to have more interest in mine their own. Thank our for praying --- Bets

Please pray for the City I stay in for wide revival, that all needs will be supplied. every preacher, worship leader, choir and finances needed will be met. pray the people of God will not be slowly in getting back with us about accepting invitations to return to Him. --- Yoshiko

Please pray whatever sickness that has got into my son goes away and he feels better very soon. please pray for my sons behaviour that it changes and he gets along with people an not what other kids say about him bother him --- Bonnie

Please pray for my friend. Her marriage of 50 years has fallen apart and she needs God's love and grace to surround her --- Jane

Please pray that God help me get a job. I have taken my job application out to different place looking for job --- Ben

Please pray that God will save my parents, all our children, and all of their grandchildren and that God will cure my inner ear infection --- Mark

Hi my name is Langley and I am a newly rededicated Christian man who is in need of prayer. I quit using drugs when I made a decision to serve Christ. I have an angry drug dealer that is trying to destroy my life and is scaring my wife and me. Would you please pray for the protection of my family and home as well as the salvation of this angry lost soul who is obviously spiritually ill and hurting. I truly believe God can destroy this giant in my path who is blocking God's pathway to peace and fellowship for me. Thank you for praying for us and God bless you! --- Langley