Someone posted a picture of the back of my van on face book and I have gotten many calls as a result. These are the ones I have had on there. One man called pretending to be a Christian who was questioning the existence of God. In the end he admitted that he was a Satanist and commanded me to take these off by tomorrow. I informed him of my duty to God to obey God first and foremost. He then told me that God does not exist. I kept trying to explain and talk with him about this but he kept arguing and interrupting. He finally told me he was done and that he would hang up. He did it without giving me a time to respond. It was sad but also made me glad. I challenge those of you who are Christians and who live in an area where this may be legal (I put one over my plate for the pic but it is not there as of now), to do something like this. You may be conscious about it for a while but eventually you will not think about it when you drive around with something like this on your vehicle. I made the tags from the largest ones available in the link and wrote on them with a permanent marker, (no these are not sponsored).
