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From the first nine verses of the book of John, chapter 14, Rabbi Steve Berkson shows us how Messiah Yeshua was the “ultimate expression of discipleship” under His Father. So we should, as followers of Messiah, be as such so that others will see Yeshua represented in us and ultimately see the Father.
What did Yeshua do? He walked out the Torah-observant life perfectly. He invites us to do what He did, and He provides help in sending His Spirit.
What’s in a name? Yeshua says, “if you ask whatever in My Name…” Does this mean if His Name is invoked, like a magic genie He has to do one’s bidding? Rabbi Steve clarifies what Messiah meant when He told us to use His Name.
Rabbi Berkson once again dissects these passages so that you will have a deeper understanding of what Yah expects of you, so that you can do it and receive the blessings.
00:00 Recap
03:40 John 14:1-9 The ultimate expression of discipleship
17:28 John 14:10 What did Yeshua do?
25:03 John 14:11 Others will see the difference
30:19 John 14:12 Greater works?
37:50 John 14:13-14 If you ask whatever?
43:46 John 14:15 An expression of love
46:06 John 14:16-18 The Helper
55:04 John 14:19-20 Stay in Me
57:57 John 14:21-22 He who possesses
01:01:23 John 14:23-24 If anyone loves me
01:06:08 John 14:28-31 My Father is greater than I
Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Stay in Me
• INfocus: Emunah
• INfocus: Let This Mind
• What Did Yeshua Do?
• INfocus: Signs & Wonders
• The 613 Commandments
• No Other Name
• Understanding the Ruach/Spirit
• The Fear of Yahweh
• INfocus: The Delusion Bubble
• Are You Covenanted?
• Peace in a World Not His
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