A beautiful song to end Shabbat! Praise YHVH!

Shir Ahava (Cover)

Shir Ahava (Cover)

This is a song my family sings at the end of every Shabbat. It's a love song in Hebrew for our Messiah. Hope you enjoy!
Shir Ahava
Verse 1:
Lo she'otanu Tiher mipsha'enu – to him who purified us from our transgressions
Sharim anu Shir ahava – we will sing a song of love
Tiken et drachenu Ripeh et nafshenu – he corrected our ways; healed our souls
Gila lanu et Pney ha'Av – revealed the face of the Father

Ve'ata bo'u elav Nisa et kolenu – and now we come unto him we lift up our voices
Nishtachaveh la'Adon – we will worship the LORD (Adonai)
Melech olam Hu go'alenu -the eternal king; he is our redeemer
Elenu yarad mimarom – he came down to us from on high
Ve'hu achshav Li'ymino shel ha'Av – and he is now at the right hand of the Father
Yahshua haseh hatamim Alef vatav – Yahshua the innocent lamb – first and last

Verse 2:
Lo sheroken Et atzmo mikavod – to him who emptied himself of glory
Sharim anu Shir ahava – we will sing a song of love
Halach el hatzlav Be'ad hasimcha – he went to the cross for the joy
La'asot retzono Shel ha'Av – of doing the will of the Father

Verse 3:
Lichvod Adonenu Nichyeh et chayenu – to the glory of the master we live our lives
Be'diyuk kmo Shir ahava – each day as a song of love
Namut le'atzmenu Ki bamashiach – we will die to ourselves because in Messiah
Kamnu ito letchyia – we have resurrected with him

Sharim lo Shir ahava Nashir lo la'ad La'ad – we will sing our song of love. We will sing it forever.