Shalom Torah Network,
We are The VanderLaan's.
This is our family account created to connect and fellowship with other Torah observant Families.
This is a co-account as both myself (Nick) and my wife of 14 years Jackie will be posting and communicating from this account.
We have 6 children (ages 12, 10, 9, 7, 4, and our most recent 2 year old was born here on the Island of Cyprus in January 2020.
We are originally from California and spent 6 years living in Nevada before we left the United States in September 2017 on what was supposed to be a 3-week European vacation that has turned out to be a 4 year sojourney. We have never been in bondage to a home mortgage or owned a home so it made it easier to leave.
We spent most of the first 2 years of our sojourney in Israel and Jerusalem and Cyprus and the last 2 years straight we have lived on the Island of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean (they speak a lot of English here, about 60% of business signs are in English and all road signs are in English and there is a large Ex-Pat population from England living here since England colonized the Island after WWI and they still have 3 active military bases here on the island).
Jackie has homeschooled the children their entire lives and Nick runs a non-monetized Youtube channel (I do not ask for nor accept monetary gifts rather my work is free).
We came out of non-denominational christianity in 2010.
We have never celebrated Christmas our entire marriage.
Rather we have celebrated Passover our entire marriage.
We started observing the Sabbath sometime in 2012.
Our kids have never watched a single Disney movie or show and our kids don't watch movies or tv or cartoons, they watch educational content.
Our family doesn't listen to any secular music.
We maintain a healthy diet (no overly processed foods) or sugar drinks and when we do eat flesh (which is scarcely) we only eat flesh that has been boiled in accordance with the Covenant of Noah.
We are into bible prophecy and enjoy celebrating the Sabbath and all the Feasts of YHWH!
We look forward to connecting and fellowshipping with other families!
