Of Monsters & Men

What makes a man (or woman) a monster is their deeds.

There are all manner of men in the world and as many kinds of monsters.

As men have all manner of religions and professions, interests and intentions so also do the monsters.

And most monsters don’t look like storybook dragons, scaly and scary. They do not appear in real life like stone skinned trolls and worty nosed witches with pointy hats. They aren’t ogres in the closets and demons behind the doors.

Real monsters look respectable..

They have no uniform or uniform appearance.

And they all look just like men….because all of them are infact men…well, all human anyway (Some are women.)

What makes a man (or woman) a monster is their deeds.

Some are murderers. Others cannibals. Kidnappers and sexual predators.

But most?

Most of the monsters are far less carnal and far more conniving.

The most common monster is the con artist. The charlatan is your average monster. And he is everywhere.

Scam artists come in many shapes and sizes but their evil is always the same - to prey upon the peoples’ trust and lust.

A simple form is the silent thief, relying on the average gullible mind to sneak away what is valuable with slight of hand rather than a compelling word to transfer money.

A pickpocket is the most obvious form of this. Sneaky and quick and if good enough, he can even return a missing wallet empty only to be found vacant later.

A more subtle form are those who steal interest and time. A lover. An employee. A boss. A friend. Compelling care and concern, love, a listening ear, hard work for the ever out of reach perk, all too often taking only and giving no value back in return.

The more conniving monster is the intentional con artist who doesn’t pick your pocket but who compels you to hand over your hard earned cash. A swindler promising a product but never producing, and a snake oil salesmen selling a product that does not perform as advertised.

Ah but the most subtle?

These are the monsters that make you want.

They make you crave. They make you beg them to take your money, time, freedom, love. These are the marketing monsters.

You were not hungry till they convinced you you were. You were not thirsty till they told you you were parched. You did not want their clothes, their jewels, their cars, their gadgets and gizmos till they put the idea in your head and let it linger.

These, the economic monsters are the most diabolical because they use your psychology and biology against you. They don’t take.

They don’t kill. They don’t steal. They don’t destroy. They are the monsters that make you destroy yourself.

Through branding and propaganda they make you feel and not think. They make you want and not plan. They make you crave and not consider.

And make no mistake, these kinds of beasts aren't merely money monsters. They want more. They want your loyalty and your love.
They want your freedom and your health.
They want your belief, devotion and faith.

They are the market, and they are the pharmacy. The church and the charity. They are the social media, and they are the science. They are the government, and they are the university. They are everyone spinning a yarn and selling a dream you don’t need and wouldn’t naturally believe without their meddling.

“Don’t believe your eyes,” they tell you.

“Don’t believe your life experience,” they say.

“You can’t trust your own memory”, they teach you.

So how can we guard ourselves from so many monsters in our midst? How can we distinguish between men and monsters when they all look the same?

By Kavanna - That is to say, by Intention.

By living intentionally, we will defend ourselves and others from those monsters that would do us all harm and compel us to harm ourselves for their enrichment.

They rely on emotion to override discernment. They need us to need them by feeling and feel like we need them for life.

But in reality they are the ones hindering us from truly living.

These monsters trust that we will stay passive and obedient, taking their drugs (and yes they are indeed drugs) without a second thought.

If, however you choose to actually choose, then you will not be taken in by these conmen.

Choose to treat everyone well yet assume they are out to get you. Be kind but be wary.

And question everything.

Is this person playing me?

Is this organization trying to sell me something?

Is this drug really designed to cure me?

Is this comestible truly as nutritious as I’m told?

Is this tradition true or just another trap?

Assume every man is a monster out to manipulate you and take your money, time, freedom, love and trust…and you will nullify their power against you.

Granted that may likely inspire them to reveal themselves as the more violent sort of monster. And be prepared for that appearing aswell. These beasts don’t take kindly to loosing their sheep. Yet at least then the disguises will be off and you can face your foe without fakery.

And most importantly, you will stop being the monster that devours yourself because the other greater monster told you it was for your own good.

Question Everything

Caleb Lussier

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