The First Shall Be Last

This is how you were made to live…

It is said every week in the Shabbat service that this time was made “last in creation but first in intention”. Meaning that it is the very purpose of creation itself.

Sabbath is the goal of creation. The aim and ambition. Sabbath is supposed to be our pursuit, our prize, our principle ambition.

Shabbat is our raison d’être…that is to say, it is our reason for being.

“Six days your shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh is the Sabbath of YHWH. On it you shall not do any work…”

This is what you were made to do.

You were created to work hard for six days to accomplish all you possibly can for the glory of YHWH and then to cease those labors on the Seventh Day also for His great glory.

If you are not working hard you are not fullfilling your mission here on earth. And if you are not resting well you are not fulfilling your mission here on earth either.

You owe it to yourself, to your Elohim, and to everyone around you to work with all your might at whatever you are striving to acheive, and you owe it to the same to set down your efforts when your Sovereign has said so, for the betterment and wellbeing of the same.

All our days run upon this pattern. Therefore, if we do not follow after accordingly, we will be far off from the ordinary course of creation. We will be lazy or overworked. We will be tired all the time and stressed to the max. We will be anxious and depressed. We will be chasing but never catching, racing on but never getting ahead.

Today is but the second of the new week. Think of what great things you can achieve for yourself and your surroundings if you set this intention in mind now.

If you are not yet a Sabbath-keeper, then choose to be…for your own sake if not for eveyone elses and that of the Almighty Above. And start building up toward the Sabbath now.

If you are a Sabbath-keeper already, choose today to prepare for it in this manner. Plan out your projects with the Sabbath in mind. Organize and strategize how to best complete your tasks so that both your mind and body will be free to bask in the blessed rest of the holy day your Heavenly Father gave you by His grace.

Question Everything

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Caleb Lussier

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