Praise Yah!! Awesome platform for those who are like-minded!!
This page will be used to connect local fellowships/gatherings and promote all things MTOI within South Africa. We are dedicated to serving the Body of Messiah together by utilizing social media to help share information, encourage, teach and support.
We are located in Cleveland TN, and have extension fellowships across South Africa. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website, to see where they are located, email us at or call us at 081 471 8940.
Shema Yasharel Yahuah our Elohiym Yahiah is one. And you shall love את Yahuah your Elohiym with all your heart, and all your s9ul, and all your self; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Blessed are you Yahuah, King of all time for giving us את your grace for it is enough, belief in you for it is enough, and the Glory of your name for it is enough. Ahmein
Tom Kulczycki
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