Let us take hands in the spirit and mention these requests in our time with YHVH:

Please pray that the Lord will be merciful to my 95 year old mom, who is failing . I ask the Lord to be merciful to her Amen --- Donna

Please pray for my son. He has been working so hard and is going to take off this week. Please pray God help him get thru tonight and give him strength. Please pray we have a very peaceful and joyful week and share a wonderful time together. Please pray God keep the people faraway from our windows and apartment. They have absolutely no reason to be there. Please pray God keep us safe and happy and God help me stay upbeat and strong for my son --- Ty

Prayers for a friend. She needs to find somewhere to live for herself and her dog --- Diane

Please pray that my husband doesn’t leave our marriage. He’s really wanting to quit our union. Please pray all of my bills are met this month and the coming months. Please pray for my sons depression. Please pray he makes a friend. Please pray I am able to finish School. Please pray for peace and love and reconciliation in my home. --- Erin

My Fiancé’s cousin has been given only hours to live, he has a beautiful family and I'm not sure if they know our Lord Jesus Christ, please pray that someone would share God's love and salvation. Thank you and God Bless you. Also, Just hours ago I received news that my co-worker’s 12 year old grandson was taken to Children's Hospital with a Brain illness, the doctors don't know yet why his eye is swollen shut and they're now speaking of doing surgery, please pray for him and his family, his grandmother is an amazing follower of our Lord Jesus. God bless and thank you --- Frances

Please pray for me as so am not feeling good! Thank you --- Sally

Please pray with me for my husband. He has been blessed with a good job after being terminated from his last job because of his alcoholism. This job can be a big blessing because it pays more and has good benefits. I feel that this is God’s grace and mercy being bestowed upon him and giving him another chance. I pray that he turns to God and be released from this addiction and our marriage can be restored and focused on God. Thank you and God bless --- Tina

Please pray for Ryan to be healed from his concussion quickly. I believe your prayers will make this happen. Thank you --- Karen

Please pray for me for relief of extreme anxiety and nervousness. Thanks. God bless you --- Eve

Please pray for Jane as she recovers from seizures --- Di

I have arthritis that hurts a lot please pray for the Lord to cure it so it never bothers me again. Thank you --- Chris

I am struggling with the fact that I will be turning 40 in less than 3 months and I have never been married and do not have kids. I thought by now I would have met the right man but it has not happened for me. I am so discouraged and feel like at this point, it will never happen. I am praying for strength and encouragement. I am asking God to send the right man into my life --- Michelle

Please pray for my 91 year old mother. A month after recovering from Covid, which seemed to have affected her more mentally and the physical problems she already had worsen than having breathing or coughing problems she now has congestive heart failure and A fib. She is too weak to walk to try to get the fluid moving, has no desire to eat or drink, eating only 2-3 bites each meal. --- Lisa

I have problem with my digestive system and also I have hay fever and is allergic to everything. Please pray for me --- Saheed

Please pray for a healing of my husband's hand which he burned. Please pray for a complete healing of my son from covid. Please pray that he regains his strength. Please pray that his lungs heal and his breathing is normal. --- Alice

My health and my family health and our freedom and happiness and every things we need and want get away from around bad people --- Gwen

Legal case. Woman and attorney committing fraudulent claims to gain money from me and family. Con artist who has made false statements. Very disturbing, already gone too far. Third party also not honest. Ask God to stop evil schemes. Bring justice. Expose all lies --- Ann

Please pray for me and my finances --- Sandra

Please pray my house sale goes through, Thank you --- Eileen

Please pray for Arnold he was exposed to covid pray he will not get it. Please pray for Kevin in the loss of his dad. Pray for Shonna she has cancer --- Greg

My mother has been in poor health for a long time. She went to the hospital with severe abdominal pain and the scan they took didn't come back with the results we wanted. I am very worried about what is going to happen and just want her to feel well again --- Gareth

Please can you Please Pray for me. Please pray for God’s Peace and God’s Favour --- Agnes

Please pray that God continues to intercede and guide us at work --- Tom

Pray for my eyes and prostate and give me more energy --- Mike

Healing prayer for Kay who has Lou Gehrig’s disease. Pray for her to breathe better and for her caregiver to have strength --- Cathy

Please pray for Dirk, who had triple by-pass surgery --- Judy

My sister, was just informed that her cancer has spread to lung and near liver. Please pray for her to get thru this --- Lena