Part 11 --- BREAD --- Cooperation

Our cooperation is needed too, for even if we have to work for our bread, YHVH’s blessings on your work are necessary. What you are saying in prayer is, “Adonai bless the work of my hands that I might have bread.” So when Adonai says pray give us today our daily bread, some may interpret it to mean, “Well that means I just don’t have to work; all I have to do is pray and Elohim will feed me.” No, our Adonai does not promote laziness in the Bible. He blesses the work of your hands. He doesn’t bless your hands; He blesses the work of your hands as they are productive. We acknowledge our dependence on YHVH through cooperation with Him. We are dependent on Him for our daily bread, yet we know He needs our cooperation in order for His blessings to come our way.