Shalom Shalom family ?

Old things will pass away and all things will become new.

Jeremiah 33:3 
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

Our Heavenly Father, God Allmighty and Sovereign in all Your ways. We come this morning raising our Praises unto Thee with humble hearts. Thank You for opening up the skies and giving us light and sparing lives. Thank You for the Grace and love You give us in abundance. We pray that You cheer up and refresh our spirits today with joyfulness. Gladden our hearts and minds so that we may sing to Your glory. Please form a shield of Your protection and surround us with Your Shalom. Please calm everyone that is overwhelmed by despair and difficulties, guide all towards Your light and be our refuge. Transform us in all Your love and renew our minds, so that we will know Your will for us. Make all to be generous at all times to those in need of love. Strengthen our faith as we learn to depend on You more and more each day and as You continue to walk with us. Give us hearts of love and compassion, wisdom and understanding. Let Your everlasting Love be our guide. Please bless our family members and friends. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. Forgive us our trespasses and sins against Thee and others. May Your Mercy and peace continue to be with us always. Amein.

Be blessed and stay blessed ?