Prayer request that needs your intercession:

Please ask God to help me feel His presence and guidance. Thank you --- Mary

Please pray for our family --- Debbie

Please pray that we are able to purchase a home soon. --- Rebecca

Please pray for our grandson almost 17 that says he doesn't want his parents – God’s people are just hypocrites --- Ruth

Kindly pray for physical healing and healing from grief --- Jaqueline

Please pray for Michael Snr, Michael Jnr and Janet’s health and healing in their mind. Pray they will stop drinking and smoking --- Eva

I ask for prayer that The Good Lord totally heals my lungs from all diseases or infection --- Yvonne

Strength to endure my responsibilities as my husband’s caregiver --- Pat

Strength to fight over beginning signs of depression. --- Lucas

My oldest son is broken from years of abuse and trauma as a child. He is a single father and needs his mental health healed, peace. Peace and comfort, calmness, focus and discernment --- Christa

Please pray for my brother, who is homeless and lost his job ---Lynn

Please pray for my sister who is a believer but slips into a terrible depression --- Terry

Pray for shared healing from and treatment for cancer --- Johanna

Praying for a closer relationship with my son and my grandchildren. Praying for inner peace. And love --- Toni

Please pray for me. I need a miraculous financial breakthrough. Please pray for my success while trading in the stock market which will allow me to cover my bills. I need a financial miracle in my life. I believe in miracles and I believe in God. --- Yann

Please Pray for me I have to undergo a biopsy test. May the result be good and no illness in the result --- Irene

To be able to have knee surgery and to heal type 2 diabetes --- Celeste

Please pray for me. I'm disabled --- Tim

I am stressed and worried about my memory. I have been forgetting things and it worries me a lot, and feeling out of order in my body. --- June