Part 12 --- FORGIVE US --- Repentance

Here Adonai goes from our specific needs and our dependence on Him to repentance. Prayer ought to always have repentance. Forgive us our debts. Confession and forgiveness should be a daily function in people’s lives. This is illustrated by the priests in the Old Covenant who did not wear shoes in YHVH’s presence. This was YHVH’s way of reminding them that they were touching dirt every day and that’s why Yeshua said in John 13:10, "He said to him, he who has had a bath does not need to wash, except his feet, but is clean altogether. And you are clean but not all of you". We must say “Adonai, we repent of the things we have done.” We need a daily cleansing. Repentance must be a part of prayer; otherwise prayer cannot be affective. Each day we come to Elohim and we say, “Adonai cleanse me, Adonai forgive me.” Forgive us our debts.