Requests to pray for:

My daughter in law is pregnant with a baby boy; she is 23 weeks, but a sonogram has shown something wrong; asking for a safe pregnancy for her --- Ann

Please pray for God's unconditional love, grace, mercy and favour for my son. Please pray that God speaks to him and my son will be humble going into his meeting and conduct himself as the child of God he is. --- Amy

I have lost much that was precious to me since 2020. The lessons over the loss were needed. Please pray for me. I want the lessons without the loss. Blessings --- Kathy

I ask God to open my family’s eyes of their understanding and give them a spirit of wisdom. and revelation. I ask God to save them and fill them with His Holy Spirit and Love. I ask God to send His angels and ministering spirits to bring them out of darkness into the Kingdom of His son Jesus, in Jesus name. --- Gerald

I am asking you to pray for me. I have been out of breath and although my blood pressure count is good, I am hoping it’s not my heart. I did call my doctor but he cannot say it’s not my heart but I do have a condition called Brudda Syndrome. --- Norma

I’ve been suffering from demonic oppression for 10 years and just want to be my normal self. PLEASE pray. I’ve come to a point and I’ve had enough. Pray for my family and pray for restoration healing and freedom. I’m so hurt --- Ryan

Kindly pray for divine protection and guidance to our family members. --- John

Please pray that God takes away all shame and disgrace I brought to my family and to myself --- William

Susanne addicted to cannabis. She likes smoking it and does not want to stop --- Sandra

I pray that my broken heart is healed. In Jesus name Amen --- Hadiyah

please pray for my granddaughter who is waiting for her insurance --- Mona

Father I ask that you take charge of my surgical procedure .Father let there be no mistakes allow me to come thru without any complications and to heal without any problems. This I ask in Jesus name Amen --- Millie

please pray that we will be able to meet all our bills and grow to be more financially responsible --- Caroline

This prayer request is for my grandchildren to strengthen and comfort them in this their hour of need. Grant them wisdom and favour, let them be found not guilty regarding the accusations against them and bring shame and confusion to their accusers. Father I ask that you allow the Holy Spirit to convict their parents for the ill-advise way their handling the situation cause them to ask for forgiveness and repent. This I ask in Jesus name .Amen --- Mildred

Please pray for the blessings on our church & for blessings on my family life & for own church building --- Tom

I am scheduled for surgery. Pray for a successful outcome & a healing touch from God --- Doug

Please pray for my friend and her family especially her husband who recovers from prostate cancer surgery that God’s loving grace blessing kindness protection salvation keeps her and family healthy and safe bless her financially bless protect honour our friendship relationship restore it that Holy Spirit bless protect watch over her and family in Jesus loving name amen --- Vincent

Dear prayer warriors, I have Covid and I am recuperating at home. I am praying for a complete and speedy recovery --- Janice

Please pray for my healing and health --- Pricilla

I pray for our family relationship. --- Jose

Please pray for restoration in my 19+ marriage that is falling apart --- Robert

Requesting prayer for my husband to become stronger in his body --- Lynda

Prayer that God will restore and renew my faith in his principles of living and that I can now move beyond the clutches that have been holding me back in the past and not living from the Glory of God moving forward in love and truth and peacefully! --- Constance

please prey for me and my fiancé --- Elena

Help me Jesus to live my life by following your example. Amen --- Kim

Please pray for safety and protection for my Husband our Children/Grandchildren and myself as we go to and from each and every day prayers to keep us out of harms and dangerous zones --- Gail

For JESUS to help me --- Beth